
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Very effective and proven prescription for fat people

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

Hu wa shafii: carom( Ajwain) 100 grams, barg sadab 100 grams, cinnamon 25 grams, black zeera 100 grams, lakh dana 50 grams, bura Armani 50 grams, grind them all amd make powder. Take with juice of white zeera or lukewarm water.use it for 3 to 4 months. In sha Allah the fatness will be ended. Many have benifited from this tip.

Tested prescription to stop the bleeding (to decrease the menstruate):Huwashifi( allah is the best curer): take  gairo 50 grams, sank jarah 50 grams, mayeen 50 grams, phalli of babhool 50 grmas and alum white baryan 20 grams make the powder of all these things ans use in morning and evening with water. Use with the shrbat anjbaar for some days, there is a shop beside my shop, they told me that I am too much worried for this problem in my house, I said why are you taking tension Allah will make everything fine. I gave them after making this upper described tip, Allah Almighty gave them health, before this they let the patient use many other medicines but there was no fruit, Allah gave the health with this powder. Many other patients were recovered in the same way, no doubt Allah did this.

Stomach is strong, end of back pain and Sciatica:

It gives strength to stomach, ends the back pain and good for Sciatica,it ends the  wajy al mufasil and wajeh al fuwaid. Produce the power of Mardami, Keeps the blackness of hair and ends the Sarhat e anzal.

ھو الشافی:Take Baalchar 40 grams,  nar kachoor 40 grams, nakhora 40 grams, balck zeera 40 grams, white zeera 40 grams, jalwatrri 40 grams, sarnajah sheeren 40 grams, lost halila 40 grams, nagarmoha 40 grams, gul surkh irani 40 grams, mosli white india 40 grams, bahu phalli 40 grams, satdar 40 grams, mustalgi rumi 40 grams, saffron40 grms, jaifal 40 grams, cloves 40 grams honey 72 tola.

Make the paste after crushing them all Allah has given the health to many who has used it. Allah almighty will give you also health. Many suffering from these diseases have recovered. It is really fruitful.

Hepatitis Cs proven prescription:

ھو الشافی: take all these things in same quantity , ont katara, haran bouti, amaltas,  gul surkh irani, marjasanf, shateera,  nar kachoor, chraita naipal, barg kalu, takham kasni, hazar dhani, guandl e neelofar, gul mandi,  gao zuban, gul banafsha and badyan,

Direction to make: soak them in water altogather, let it be for2 to 3 days and then strain with cloth. Take in the same quantity dry coriander (not crushed, bahi dhana, ilaich kurdh, anab and ispagol and in afternoon mix the honey in one glass of water  and drink it,  take once the juice of pomegranate, with this drink many patients have recovered with the grace of Allah. One man came to me on shop he told his story and I gave him the same drink,  he used for 4 months and Allah gave him health. Then he brought his relative to me he also took it from me , Allah Almighty gave him health also.

Prescription for pholbehri: 

ھو الشافی: babachi 50 grams, jand baedster 6 grms.

Directions to make: soak the babachi in the water of ginger. When it gets filled with that and become dry after that crush it along with jand baid sattar and fill the medium capsules with this powder. take one capsule at the time of isha, with water. babachi 10 grams, gandhak amala saar 100 grams, flower of pomegranate  100 grams, gairu 100 grams, make the powder of all these thing, in evening sock the 10 grams of this powder in one glass of water in the ceramic pots. In morning take out the water and add more water then use it on the spots. Wash when it gets dry. Af it causes the itching and the blister then stop using it use the butter and the camphor.

Itraifil Astakhos:post hareer green, 20 grams, hareer kabli post 20 grams, black harer 20 grams, baheery post 20 grams, sana makki 20 grams, amal magz 20 grams, white narbad 20 grams,  safainj 20 grams, astakhoos 20 grams, mustalagi roomi 20 grams, aftemon 20 grams, kishmish 20 grams, manaqa 20 grams, oil of almonds 100 grams, honey 525 grmas, the prescription of itrafeel is ready, have health this is not from books that is why I have given it to you. This is matchless for the mental illness, memory weakness, white hair, weak eyesight.

Tip for the blooded urine of buffalo and cow etc:

Take fennel, ajwain, gul surkh, gao zuban in the same quantity prepare the Cho arqa, water must be 2 and a half kgs, gulqand 1 kg,kaistar oil half kg, and mustard oil on quarter.

Directions: warm all the things in cho arqa, and give it to animal. This is one dose. Take char magz half kg and brown sugar 3 quarter. Crush them a bit in 3 kgs of water and give to them for 4 days. This is a very effective tip.

Prescription for the Zehar baad in buffalo and cow etc: take ginger one quarter, green chillied one quarter, and tomatos one quarter, onions one quarter and white salt one quarter. Crush then all and let the animal eat ¼ Th part of it. Make 4 doses.

Give 4 doses. In sha Allah the Zehar baad will finish. The coming of puss and the blood will be ended.

Tip for the singer hini:

Take leaves of bahng 125 grams, black hareer 250 grams, and fennel 250 grams.


Crush them all and make the powder. Take on teaspoon in morning before eating anything else, and one teaspoon after asar, and use the one teaspoon of jawarish amal annarain with it. In sha Allah the patient will recover in 10 to 15 days. Those who used to go to toilet for 8 times in a day have recovered with this medicine. They could not travel. One employee from wapda came to my shop he said that he is very much upset I cannot travel also. The time I eat something I need to go to bathroom at the same time. I am fine now with the grace of Allah Almighty, amny patient have recovered of it.  This is an effective tip of mine. It is proven.

Prescription for sozak, jiryan, ehtlaam and sarhat e Anzaal

BAH: Huwashafi, kehar basmati 10 gram, sang yahood 10 gram, ilaichi khurd 10 gram, misri 20 grams. Make the powder of all these things; fill the zero size capsules of it. Take one capsule in morning and one in the evening. Patient of any type will recover. The sale of this capsule is 2 to 3 thousands every month. Patients ask for them this is proven one.

For the joint pain:  mustard gat’ti 50 gram, sund 50 grams, kachla madbar 50 grams fry in cow’s ghee 150 gram. When it gets dry rub it. Make the tablets of it and take one tablet in evening and in the morning with milk. This is also an effective and powerful medicine.

To start the menstruation:  take rewaind cheeni 20 grams, musabar zard 20 grams, saffron 1 gram, dhandaan feel 1 gram, bandal doda, 10 grams, nar makki 20 grams, heera heeng one gram.

Direction: make the powder of all the things and after that add the juice of fennel and make the tablets as the size of chick peas. Take 2 tablets in morning and 2 tablets in the evening. Within 3 to 4 days the menstruation will start. This is very effective prescription, IN Sha ALLAH.

Many has recovered with this medicine. One man came and told that my daughter is suffering from a problem whenever the time of menstruation comes, her abdomen hurts badly and she lays down on bed and feel restless after holding her abdomen. She had a lot of treatments but she did not recover. Kindly suggest any   medicine for it. Then I gave to start the menstruation and one I wrote in the start. I gave the syrup of it. With the grace of Allah that girl became normal. And many patients have recovered with this. 

Proven tip for long thick and silky hair: This prescription is taken after a lot of effort, I respected a brother then I got it, Allah almighty putin his heart to give.

 Following is the prescription: huwashafi balchr 100 grams, sekakai, 100 gram, amla 100 gram, yellow hareer 100 grams, peeling of pomegranate 100 grams, charcharela 100 grams, rattan joot 100 grams, mustard oil 4 kgs, musterd oil 6(it was written two times please confirm) kgs, tara mera oil 3 kgs,  oil of giri 1 kg, leaves of bairi ( water) 2 kgs.

Directions to make:

Thin all the things and burn them in the musterd oil. Then put the water of bairi leaves burn all the things in it and then strain through piece of cloth.   And put the other oils on it. It is ready, if the patient is suffering the constipation say him to eat the comfiture of harrier, one time in a day, and massage the hair with the oil.

For pathri in Gurda and Masana: this is a very effective medicine whatever the type of pathri it expels the pathri after breaking it into pieces. Not one or two but hundreds of patients have recovered with it. Allah gave them health.

Huwashfi: (Allah is the best curer) sang dana of murg 15 grams, aklail almulk 15 grams 10 grams. Dhal kalthi 20 grams, jadwaar khatai 10 grams, kashta sar sang mahi 10 grams, kashta hajar alyehud 10 grams,

Directions to make: make powder of all these things. And fill the zero number capsules; take in morning and evening with the juice of badyyan. IN Sha Allah within 10 to 15 days the pathri will expel in after breaking into pieces.

To finish the tiredness of copulation:

Jin sing 50 grams, saffron 50 grams, lehsan 50 grams,  choti chandan 50 grams, black pepper 10 grams, sualb misri 50 grams.

Direction: make the powder of 5 things, and make the tablets as big as a chick pea and eat one tablet in the morning and one tablet in the evening.  

Prescription of field Marshal (mumsak):

Huwaashfai: reg mahi 5 grams, aqaarha 10 grams, opium 10 grams, chand beaid sattar 5 grams, daar cheeni 3 gram, Cinnamon 3 gram, cloves 3 grams. kharlthe murwareed in the rose water, kharl the saffron and opium then dissolve  other things, fill the 1 number capsules or make the tablets like berries, eat with the milk. In sha Allah it will be effective.

Old hurt, breaking of the bone, the tearing of the flesh:

Huwashfi: old mang (old baan) 10 grams,  kachla 10 grams,  slajeat 10 gram, nustangi rumi 10 grams, red alum lal baryian 10 gram.

Direction: burn the mang kachla and turn it into ashes, baryan the alum and all other things into kharl. Then make the small round balls like the Daal e mash. In sha Allah it will be beneficial.

Constipation! Reason and remedy

The constipation can be the base of many other diseases. So we must be careful. One can be saved from these diseases with easy domestic tips and the change in the food. This is the law of the science that with heat things spread and with coldness things shrink. If both heat and the coldness effects on any of the creature then it will show its effect on them, and they will either spread with warmness or they will shrink with coldness.

Same kinds of effects are applied on the human body.  According to our research when coldness affects the intestine they become shrink and it is called the constipation. With coldness things gets shrink and with warmth the things gets spread. So in the same way with coldness the constipation is created.  

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